Tuesday, March 1st 4-6pm Curbside ONLY $10 Per Meal -Gumbo, Jambalaya, Red Beans & Rice, Bread, Salad, Desert *Line up from Pine down 8th St. to Barkman, Do not stop on Pine and block traffic, please, line up down 8th St.

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Lent Devotions

If you want to be part of our church and broader Methodist family reading the same daily Scripture passage through the season of Lent. Click on the Link below at SeedBed http://seedbed.com/dailytext

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Youth Group movie event

The youth group will be going to see the new Marvel movie, The Eternals, THIS SUNDAY 11/7. We will leave from the church at 2:30 and ride in the van together. If there are more than will fit in the van, we will have adults drive along as well. The...

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