FUMC Arkadelphia 05-28-2023 Traditional Service

Gracious Spirit dwell in me, I would gracious be; Help me now Thy grace to see, I would be like Thee; And with words that help and heal, Thy life would mine reveal; And with actions bold and meek, for Christ, my Savior, speak.
Truthful Spirit dwell with me, I would truthful be; Help me now Thy truth to see, I would be like Thee; And with wisdom kind and clear, Thy life in mine appear; And with actions brotherly, speak Christ’s sincerity.
Holy Spirit swell with me, I would holy be; Show Thy mercy tenderly, make me more like Thee; Separate from sin I would and cherish all things good, And whatever I can be give Him who gave me Thee.
Mighty Spirit dwell with me, I would mighty be;
Help me now Thy power to see, I would be like Thee; ‘Gainst all weapons hell can wield, be Thou my strength and shield; Let Thy word my weapon be, Lord Thine the victory.

Please click here for the worship service bulletin.